Technology at the School
We believe that every student deserves total access to the latest educational technologies, to give them the resources they need to perform at their best.
Need a computer?
Computers 2 SD Kids is a non-profit organization that provides desktop, laptop, or tablet devices to families who qualify through their application at no cost.
Need Internet at home?
Cox Communications serves San Diego County with their Connect2Compete program, which provides low-cost broadband access to families.
Families are encouraged to apply on their own or seek help from the technology team at Health Sciences High and Middle College.
Grades and Attendance Information
PowerSchool is our system of tracking absences and tardies as well as individual schedules, assignments, and grades for students. Students and Parents/Guardians may access their personal PowerSchool records by going to PowerSchool and entering their personal usernames and passwords. The usernames and passwords for students will be issued after the first week of school. The usernames and passwords for Parents/Guardians will be sent home soon after.
Student Work and Assessment
- Discovery News
- Discovery Health Channel
- Health Politics
- Medical Minute
- Health Update
- The Body Odd
Tech Support
By Email
By Phone
(619) 528-9070
Hours of Operation