New LOP Policy at HSHMC

Dear HSHMC Students and Parents,

We’re introducing a new Loss of Privilege (LOP) policy at Health Sciences High and Middle College to prioritize attendance and behavior. There’s a clear connection between regular attendance, positive behavior, and student achievement, and this policy aims to support those values.

View the full policies here:

View LOP Policy in English

View LOP Policy in Spanish

View LOP Policy in Somali

What is LOP?
Students are placed on the LOP list if they accumulate 20 or more LOP points, which can result from being tardy, truant, out of class without permission, or involved in significant behavior incidents.

LOP Consequences
Students on the LOP list risk losing privileges, such as lunch off-campus and participation in extracurricular activities like athletics and dances.

Tracking and Reducing LOP Points
Parents and students can track LOP points and attendance via PowerSchool. Points can be reduced by attending tutorials, Saturday School, or gaining teacher support.

Stay Informed
We encourage you to regularly check your student’s attendance and behavior. Weekly emails will notify families if a student is on the LOP list.

For questions or support, please contact the Dean of Students, Demetrius Davenport, at

Thank you for partnering with us in your student’s education.