Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

From the Leadership Team

January 18, 2022 (traduccion abajo) Dear HSHMC Families, Happy New Year! As we approach the beginning of our Spring semester, we know these remain uncertain times and the COVID pandemic continues to challenge so many decisions we need to make as individuals, as organizations, and as a community. Nobody seems to have a crystal ball that can predict how these challenges will resolve or what challenges lie before us. We are encouraged by the advice we have received from medical experts predicting that the current COVID-19 surge is a temporary situation. However, the current surge reminds us we must continue to be prepared and act to safely offer educational services. And we will do everything possible to continue to keep our school and classrooms open. Currently, we are experiencing a high number of absences of both staff and students. This in part is a result of our strict quarantine procedures. Your patience and support during this time has been amazing. There are some certainties, however. HSHMC will continue to take every step we can to provide a quality and safe learning experience. The vaccination mandate, passed on 10/12/21, by the HSHMC Board of Directors added to the safety and welfare of our students, staff, and community. The plan has been highly successful.  More recently, on January 13, 2022, the Board extended vaccination requirements to include booster shots for all eligible students and staff to remain part of the HSHMC community. Our next vaccination/booster clinic will be held on campus on February 7, and we encourage any, and all, family members to come in for their shots. These measures are complemented by our mask enforcement policy, ongoing testing, and strict adherence to stay at home and quarantine guidelines. All these decisions follow guidelines and recommendations from various local, state, and national school, public and health organizations, including the CDC. Our policies and practices will continue to be updated based on the guidelines and requirements of these organizations. At this time the science is in and the use of three-ply masks, including N95s, have proven to be much more effective than cloth masks. We encourage you to make that switch. We have been advised that San Diego Unified School District has not ruled out declaring COVID Impact Days in specific situations and if it was absolutely necessary, we might follow suit. However, our goal is to stay open and stay safe. We might also limit certain extra-curricular activities and events during high surge times. We will do what we need to be responsive and responsible. In the meantime, we are so proud of the staff and students who show up here each day to share in teaching and learning. Witnessing their efforts and accomplishments makes all this work worth it. Every day, exciting things are happening, and our staff and students are going above and beyond to make that happen. We know from talking with our educational colleagues and parents from other schools that what is happening here remains unique. We want [...]

January 18th, 2022|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – January 18, 2022

January 18th, 2022- Weekly School Bulletin This week is our last week of college and internship classes for the first semester. Students will be in their regular classes all next week which is the last week of Semester 1. As a reminder, next week's schedule has been modified. Students will have minimum days every day next week with early release at 12:30 pm. However, if a student has one or more incompletes, they will be required to stay for Academic Recovery until 3:00 pm each day on Monday through Thursday until all incompletes are cleared. There will not be academic recovery on Friday 1/28 and all students will be released at 12:30 after finals. Please check your child's grades now to be sure they are not carrying any incompletes for semester 1. You can check grades 24/7 through our PowerSchool Parent portal. If you need help setting up your account or accessing grades, there are directions on our website or you can contact our tech team at hshmctech@hshmc.org for assistance. If you have any questions, please contact the school at 619-528-9070 or email me directly anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Stay well and have a great week – Thank you!

January 18th, 2022|Tags: |

January 24-28 Now Minimum Days

HSHMC has modified our schedule for the week of January 24-28, which is the last week of Semester 1. During the week of January 24-28, students will have minimum days with early release at 12:30 pm. However, if a student has one or more incompletes, they are required to stay for Academic Recovery until 3:00 pm each day on Monday through Thursday until all incompletes are cleared. There will not be academic recovery on Friday 1/28 and all students will be released at 12:30 after finals. If you have any questions, please contact the school at 619-528-9070.

January 12th, 2022|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – January 10, 2022

January 10th, 2022- Weekly School Bulletin There is a New Student Orientation for new families interested in applying to HSHMC this Wednesday at 5:00 pm. If you know other families interested in applying, we appreciate you letting them know they can join in using the link available on our website. School picture day is this Thursday for students on campus in grades 9-11. A make-up day will be scheduled for those who are absent. Plans are in the works to capture pictures for those who are on distance learning. This is an important time to remind your child about the importance of keeping their mask on and social distancing in the community and outside. If your child has any symptoms or illness, please keep them at home until they are symptom free and you are sure they are not COVID positive. If your child does need to stay home, please be sure to call the school to excuse their absence at 619-528-9070. There is no school next Monday, January 17 in honor of MLK Day. If you have questions please contact the school at 619-528-9070, or email me any time at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Stay well and have a great week – Thank you!

January 10th, 2022|Tags: |

January 4, 2022 COVID Exposure Notice

We were notified today that an individual at our school has tested positive for COVID-19. Due to procedures related to privacy laws, we are limited in what we can say. We urge you to also respect the privacy of our students and staff. HSHMC works with the San Diego Public Health Department to follow up with all cases and symptomatic contacts to identify all exposed persons and recommend home quarantine and testing. If you or your child are not contacted, it means that we have no evidence of direct exposure to you or your child. Our advice and practice has not changed since the beginning of the pandemic. That is, if your child is feeling ill or has a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, even if symptoms are very minor, please do not send your child to school and consider getting your ill child tested for COVID-19. Students should remain home until a return date is determined in consultation with school personnel based on test results and symptom improvement, and following all applicable state and county health guidelines. They can return immediately if they have a documented chronic illness that explains their current symptoms. Remember, symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure, can range from mild to severe, and could include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, muscle or body aches, headache, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and new loss of smell or taste. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should be tested. However, many infected people do not develop symptoms, which is why it is recommended that exposed people be tested whether they have symptoms or not. If your child is well and without any symptoms, please remind them to use their face covering, and wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. We know this information is concerning for our students and families. Ensuring the health and safety of our students, teachers, and staff members is of the utmost importance to us, and we will continue to follow all public health guidelines strictly.

January 4th, 2022|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – January 3, 2022

January 3rd, 2022- Weekly School Bulletin We look forward welcoming back all our students tomorrow morning as we enter 2022 with our HSHMC family. We are hopeful that the new year will be filled with new beginnings and good health as we continue to learn and grow together. For the safety of everyone, we will be providing Rapid Antigen COVID-testing for all staff and students tomorrow morning. To reduce a whole school exposure, we expect to finish testing by the end of first period. This is an important time to remind your child about the importance of keeping their mask on and social distancing in the community and outside. We will also have our normal weekly COVID PCR testing on Tuesday. If your child has any symptoms or illness, please keep them at home until they are symptom free and you are sure they are not COVID positive. If your child does need to stay home, please be sure to call the school to excuse their absence. If you have questions please contact the school at 619-528-9070, or email me any time at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a great week – Thank you!

January 3rd, 2022|Tags: |
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