Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

January 3, 2022 COVID Exposure Notice

We were notified today that an individual at our school has tested positive for COVID-19. Due to procedures related to privacy laws, we are limited in what we can say. We urge you to also respect the privacy of our students and staff. HSHMC works with the San Diego Public Health Department to follow up with all cases and symptomatic contacts to identify all exposed persons and recommend home quarantine and testing. If you or your child are not contacted, it means that we have no evidence of direct exposure to you or your child. Our advice and practice has not changed since the beginning of the pandemic. That is, if your child is feeling ill or has a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, even if symptoms are very minor, please do not send your child to school and consider getting your ill child tested for COVID-19. Students should remain home until a return date is determined in consultation with school personnel based on test results and symptom improvement, and following all applicable state and county health guidelines. They can return immediately if they have a documented chronic illness that explains their current symptoms. Remember, symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure, can range from mild to severe, and could include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, muscle or body aches, headache, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and new loss of smell or taste. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should be tested. However, many infected people do not develop symptoms, which is why it is recommended that exposed people be tested whether they have symptoms or not. If your child is well and without any symptoms, please remind them to use their face covering, and wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. We know this information is concerning for our students and families. Ensuring the health and safety of our students, teachers, and staff members is of the utmost importance to us, and we will continue to follow all public health guidelines strictly.

January 3rd, 2022|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – December 13, 2021

December 13th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin It’s Spirit Week this week at HSHMC: Monday – Pajama Day – Wear Your Favorite Pajamas! Tuesday – Burr….It’s cold in Here! – Wear warm, fuzzy, cozy clothes Wednesday – Holiday Color Wars: Seniors Wear Red Juniors Wear Green Sophomores Wear Blue Freshman Wear White Thursday – Mix Match Day – Wear Clothes That Don’t Math Friday – Ugly Sweater Day – Wear an Ugly Holiday Sweater Retakes for senior photos is this Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 am on the 3rd floor. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rotell at aallen@hshmc.org. There is a New student Orientations for new families interested in applying to HSHMC this Wednesday at 5:00 pm. If you know other families interested in applying, we appreciate you letting them know they can join in using the link available on our website. We are very concerned with the recent spread of inappropriate use of technology to create harmful social media posts within our HSHMC community. We spoke to all students on Friday about how hurtful the negative, wide-use of social media has been to staff and students. Because of this, we have decided that no phones will be allowed inside classrooms this week. If your child cannot abide by this request, an administrator may collect your child’s phone until you can come to school to pick it up. If you have any immediate questions or concerns regarding your child’s cell phone or if you need to reach them for emergencies please reference the attached schedule or call the front desk at 619-528-9070 and we will assist you. In addition, we recommend that you monitor your child’s social media activity to be sure that what they are posting is not offensive or hurtful to others. Thank you for reminding your child not to use their cell phone during class and for supporting our efforts as we work to restore this situation. This Friday is the last day of school before winter break. School will resume on Monday, January 3th.  From our HSHMC family to yours, we wish you a joyful, safe, and healthy holiday season and a happy new year. Thank you!

December 13th, 2021|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – December 6, 2021

December 6th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin Sharp Healthcare will be on campus one last time Monday, Dec 6 from 10:00 am and 2:00 pm to provide Pfizer Covid-19 vaccinations to students, families, and community members 12+ years and older. As a reminder, according to our Vaccination Plan, by December 18, all HSHMC students will be required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated to be permitted on campus, unless they have a qualified exemption. Students without the vaccine may still participate in our independent study program……..Flu shots are also available at the same time for our HSHMC students. If you would like your child to receive a flu shot, please make an appointment for them using the link included in this message. It is open enrollment time at HSHMC. We are now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year for grades 9-12. This open enrollment period ends January 31, 2022. Siblings of current HSHMC students should submit their applications NOW! Please go to our website at www.hshmc.org to apply directly online. We have several upcoming new student orientations for new families interested in applying to HSHMC. If you know other families interested in applying, we appreciate you letting them know they can join in using the link available on our website on any of the following dates at 5:00 pm: December 15, January 12, January 26 If you have questions please contact the school at 619-528-9070, or email me any time at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a great week – Thank you!

December 6th, 2021|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – November 29, 2021

November 29th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin We hope that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We look forward to welcoming back all our students to HSHMC tomorrow. It is open enrollment time at HSHMC. We are now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year for grades 9-12. This open enrollment period ends January 31, 2022. Siblings of current HSHMC students should submit their applications NOW! Please go to our website at www.hshmc.org to apply directly online. And, if you know other families interested in applying, we appreciate you letting them know as well. Our first virtual New Student Orientation is scheduled for this Wednesday, December 1 at 5:00 pm. The link to join is available on our website. According to our Vaccination Plan, by December 18, all HSHMC students will be required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated to be permitted on campus, unless they have a qualified exemption. Students without the vaccine may still participate in our independent study program. To support this plan, Sharp will be on campus again on Monday, December 6 between 10:00am and 2:00 pm to provide Pfizer Covid-19 vaccinations to students, families, and community 12+ years and older. If you do not have an appointment already, please make one at www.myturn.ca.gov. Flu shots are also being made available again at the same time for our HSHMC students and staff. If you would like your child to receive a flu shot, please make an appointment for them using the link included in this message. If you have questions please contact the school at 619-528-9070, or email me any time at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a great week – Thank you!

November 29th, 2021|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – November 15, 2021

November 15th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin It is open enrollment time at HSHMC. We are now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year for grades 9-12. This open enrollment period ends January 31, 2022. Siblings of current HSHMC students should submit their applications NOW! Please go to our online application to apply directly online. And, if you know other families interested in applying, we appreciate you letting them know as well. Our first virtual New Student Orientation is scheduled for Wednesday, December 1 at 5:00 pm. The link to join will be available on our website. According to our Vaccination Plan, by December 18, all HSHMC students will be required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated to be permitted on campus, unless they have a qualified exemption. Students without the vaccine may still participate in our independent study program. To support this plan, Sharp will be on campus again on Monday, December 6 between 10:00am and 2:00 pm to provide Pfizer Covid-19 vaccinations to students, families, and community 12+ years and older. There is no school next week for Thanksgiving break. School will resume on Monday, November 29. If you have questions please contact the school at 619-528-9070, or email me any time at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a great week – Thank you!

November 18th, 2021|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – November 8, 2021

November 8th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin If you have not already, please remember to change your clocks back one hour today to adjust for daylight savings time. By now should have received a progress report for your child. If your child currently has an incomplete from Quarter 1, they have now been assigned to an Academic Recovery and Advancement (ARA) class on Fridays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Attendance is mandatory at this class until all incompletes are cleared. As a reminder, there is no school this Thursday or Friday, November 11th and 12th. It is open enrollment time at HSHMC. We are now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year for grades 9-12. This open enrollment period ends January 31, 2022. Siblings of current HSHMC students should submit their applications NOW! Please go to our website at www.hshmc.org to apply directly online. And, if you know other families interested in applying, we appreciate you letting them know as well. As a reminder of our Vaccination Plan, by November 15, all students will be required to have their first shot administered, unless they have a qualified exemption. By December 18, all HSHMC students will be required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated to be permitted on campus, unless they have a qualified exemption. Students without the vaccine may still participate in our independent study program. To support this plan, Sharp will be on campus again on Monday, November 15 between 10:00am and 2:00 pm to provide Pfizer Covid-19 vaccinations to students, families, and community 12+ years and older. You can make an appointment now at www.myturn.ca.gov. Please use our zip code – 92105 to pick our location. If you have questions please contact the school at 619-528-9070, or email me any time at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a great week – Thank you!

November 5th, 2021|Tags: |
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