Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

Assembly Bill 104 – Grade Change

Dear HSHMC Families, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 104 (Gonzalez) making students enrolled in high school in the 2020-21 academic year eligible to apply to have a letter grade replaced with a pass or no pass grade. These grade changes will not negatively affect a student’s grade point average and the California State Universities must accept pass or no pass grades without prejudice for any applicant enrolled in high school between 2020-21 and 2023-24. A list of all post-secondary educational institutions within the state that have indicated they will accept pass/no pass grades without prejudice is linked below. Please note that some higher educational institutions, including those from other states, may not accept a pass no pass grade. Should you choose to request to change a grade from the 2020-2021 school year, you must complete the application linked below and return it to HSHMC within 15 days of this notice. Thank you, Dr. Sheri Johnson, Principal Estimadas familias de HSHMC,   El gobernador Gavin Newsom firmó el Proyecto de Ley 104 de la Asamblea (González) que hace los estudiantes que están matriculados en la escuela del año académico 2020-21 elegible para solicitar que se reemplace una calificación en letra con un una calificación de pase o no pase. Estos cambios de calificación no afectarán negativamente el promedio de calificaciones del estudiante y las universidades estatales de California deben aceptar las calificaciones pase o no pase sin prejuicio de cualquier solicitante matriculado en la preparatoria entre los años 2020-2021 y 2023-24.   Una lista de instituciones de estudio superior del estado que han indicado que aceptaran las calificaciones de pase o no pase sin prejuicio está adjunta. Tenga en cuenta que algunas instituciones educativas, incluyendo las de otros estados, no aceptaran la calificación de pase o no pase.   Si elige solicitar un cambio de calificación del año escolar 2020-2021, debe completar la solicitud adjunta y se tiene que entregar a HSHMC dentro los 15 días después de este aviso.     Gracias,     Dra. Sheri Johnson, Directora Click here for the list all post-secondary educational institutions within the state that have indicated they will accept pass/no pass grades without prejudice Click here to download the AB104 Application

July 28th, 2021|Tags: |

Important Message from HSHMC

Hello, this is Sheri Johnson from HSHMC with an important message. We were notified today that an individual at our school has tested positive for COVID-19. Due to procedures related to privacy laws, I am limited in what I can say. I urge you to also respect the privacy of our students and staff. HSHMC works with the San Diego Public Health Department to follow up with all cases and symptomatic contacts to identify all exposed persons and recommend home quarantine and testing. If you or your child are not contacted, it means that we have no evidence of direct exposure to you or your child. Our advice and practice has not changed since the beginning of the pandemic. That is, if your child is feeling ill or has a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, even if symptoms are very minor, please do not send your child to school and consider getting your ill child tested for COVID-19. Students should remain home until a return date is determined in consultation with school personnel based on test results and symptom improvement, and following all applicable state and county health guidelines. They can return immediately if they have a documented chronic illness that explains their current symptoms. Remember, symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure, can range from mild to severe, and could include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, muscle or body aches, headache, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and new loss of smell or taste. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should be tested. However, many infected people do not develop symptoms, which is why it is recommended that exposed people be tested whether they have symptoms or not. If your child is well and without any symptoms, please remind them to use their face covering, and wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. I know this information is concerning for our students and families. Ensuring the health and safety of our students, teachers, and staff members is of the utmost importance to us, and we will continue to follow all public health guidelines strictly.

July 11th, 2021|Tags: |

Classroom Demonstration of Learning – Trigonometry – July 1st, 2021

Our students got to show off their artistic talents, as well as their trigonometry skills, in an outdoor chalk-drawing assignment of the unit circle. One of the groups even dedicated their work to a student for their birthday! At HSHMC, we always love keeping things fresh by changing up the learning environment whenever we can. If you see any of these students, congratulate them on some fantastic work!

July 2nd, 2021|Tags: |

Knott’s Berry Farm Trip for Vaccinated Students!

HSHMC is planning a free trip this fall to KNOTT’S BERRY FARM for all HSHMC students who are fully vaccinated! How to participate: If you are already fully vaccinated, please provide us with proof of vaccination to join in. Get fully vaccinated at HSHMC on Wednesday, July 7 and July 28. Get fully vaccinated on your own before school starts. We hope that all of our students will be fully vaccinated before attending HSHMC in the fall. In addition, Sharp will allow our students back at the hospital for internships as long as they are fully vaccinated. All other internships will be dependent on vaccinations as well. One of the best things we can do is encourage and help everyone who is eligible for the vaccine to get one.   Sharp HealthCare has agreed to come back to HSHMC to provide another opportunity for you to have your HSHMC student (ages 12 and up) and your family vaccinated and will be here to administer the Pfizer vaccine as follows: Wednesday, July 7 (1st Vaccination Date) – 8:30 – 1:30 Wednesday, July 28 (2nd Vaccination Date) – 8:30 – 1:30  Please make your appointment NOW by going to: https://myturn.ca.gov Minor Consent Form When making your appointment, simply use our zip code 92105 for the area you want to get your vaccination in and our school site will pop up with available appointments for July 28.  Your appointment for the second required vaccination on July 28 will be scheduled when you receive your first vaccination on July 7. (Walk-in appointments are also available – but scheduled appointments are preferred) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ¡HSHMC está planeando un viaje gratis este otoño a KNOTT’S BERRY FARM para todos los estudiantes de HSHMC que están completamente vacunados! Como participar: Si ya está completamente vacunado, envíenos un comprobante de vacunación para unirse. Vacúnese completamente en HSHMC el miércoles 7 y 28 de julio. Vacúnese completamente por su cuenta antes de que comience la escuela. Esperamos que todos nuestros estudiantes estén completamente vacunados antes de asistir a HSHMC en el otoño. Además, Sharp permitirá que nuestros estudiantes regresen al hospital para realizar practicas siempre que estén completamente vacunados. Todas las demás practicas también dependerán de las vacunas. Una de las mejores cosas que podemos hacer es alentar y ayudar a que todas las personas elegibles para la vacuna se pongan una.   Sharp HealthCare ha acordado regresar a HSHMC para brindarle otra oportunidad de vacunar a su estudiante de HSHMC (mayores de 12 anos) y a su familia y estará aquí para administrar la vacuna Pfizer de la siguiente manera: Miércoles Julio 7 (1ra Fecha de Vacunación) – 8:30 – 1:30 Miércoles Julio 28 (2da Fecha de Vacunación) – 8:30 – 1:30  Haga su cita AHORA yendo a: https://myturn.ca.gov Documento de consentimiento para menores.  Cuando programe su cita, simplemente use nuestro código postal 92105 para el área donde desea vacunarse y nuestro sitio escolar aparecerá con citas disponibles para el 7 de julio. Su cita para la segunda vacuna requerida el [...]

July 1st, 2021|Tags: |

HSHMC Graduation 2021 Live Stream

HSHMC Graduation Ceremony Live Stream! Our 2021 Graduation Ceremony streamed LIVE on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, starting at 10:50 am with the ceremony beginning at 11 am. Watch the replay at the link below: HSHMC Graduation 2021 Live Stream Replay

June 14th, 2021|Tags: |
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