Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

Weekly Bulletin – June 13th, 2021

June 13th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin This Tuesday, June 15 is the last day of school. All classes will be asynchronous and there will be no in person teaching on campus. Please be sure your child has completed and turned in all their work. At this point, if your child is carrying an “I” (Incomplete) in any course, they are at risk of failing if they do not clear their incomplete. Any student with an incomplete at the end of the school year will be mandated to summer school until all incompletes are clear. We will be collecting all the technology loaned to all 9th – 11th grade students during the school year unless they are attending summer school. If your child is not attending summer school (or returning to HSHMC next year) please return the Macbook Air, Chromebook (if you have not yet returned it), and any other technology checked out to you by HSHMC, during our drive by return technology event this Wednesday and Thursday, June 16 and 17 between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm. Summer school will be in person at HSHMC and begins next Monday, June 21. If your child has been assigned to or registered for summer school their schedules are available in PowerSchool. In addition, we will be mailing home schedules mid-week once grades have been finalized and we determine who must attend academic recovery due to incompletes. We will also reach out to you by phone should your child be mandated to Academic Recovery during summer school. Senior Graduation for the Class of 2021 will be held is this Tuesday at Liberty Station. Tickets are limited to 3 tickets per graduate. Unfortunately, we are unable to allow admission to anyone without a ticket. However, the graduation ceremony will be live-streamed directly from our website so that all family, friends, and our HSHMC community will be able to watch and celebrate our graduates. Thank you for a wonderful year and for your partnership as we successfully made our way through a unique and challenging year together. Have a great week.

June 14th, 2021|Tags: |

Staff Highlight: Kristen Kosaka – June 10th, 2021

MS. KOSAKA SUPPORTS STUDENTS AND HER COLLEAGUES! Kristen is a new Educational Specialist at HSHMC. She's currently serving as a case manager for students with IEPs, holding meetings for her students, and working with incoming students and their families. She works closely with so many amazing educators, including Mr. Kennedy and the special education team as they work through out the IEP process. Everyone at HSHMC, including the students, have been so helpful and welcoming! Each day brings new adventures from collaborating with colleagues to supporting students with coursework. Helping students clear their incomplete grades are the top priority for Kristen at this time. As a new staff member, she is eager to build family and student connections. "I’ve enjoyed both distance learning and in-person learning but truly enjoy working with the students in-person. We learn so much from each other during our time together and it helps foster a positive relationship with them." -Kristen Kosaka "Just about everyone walks into a job not knowing what to do. Some of us are fortunate to have someone around to lean-on, vent to, problem-solve, and collaborate with. Well, I’m one of those FORTUNATE ONES! Thank you Kristen!" -Brian Kennedy

June 10th, 2021|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – June 6th, 2021

June 6th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin Please note that although the Cuyamaca college classes have been completed, students must still attend their college classes this week as usual. The last day of school is Tuesday, June 15. All classes will be asynchronous so students can be sure that they have completed and turned in all their work. At this point, if your child is carrying an “I” (Incomplete) in any course, they could be at risk of failing by the end of quarter four if they do not act immediately to clear the incomplete. Any student with an incomplete at the end of the school year will be mandated to summer school until all incompletes are clear. Summer school will be in person at HSHMC and begins on Monday, June 21. If your child has signed up to take a college class during the summer, please watch for an email that contains a college registration form that you need to fill out and sign online asap. All students who plan to attend summer school must register in advance using the link sent to their school email address. Senior Graduation for the Class of 2021 will be held on Tuesday, June 15 at 11:00 am at Liberty Station. Tickets are limited to 3 tickets per graduate. Unfortunately, we are unable to allow admission to anyone without a ticket. However, the graduation ceremony will be live-streamed directly from our website so that all family, friends, and our HSHMC community will be able to watch and celebrate our graduates. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal’s Office Hours (password: HSHMC) via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Thank you. Have a great week.

June 7th, 2021|Tags: |

Staff Highlight: Marisa Peña – June 3rd, 2021

MARISA ENSURES COLLEGE SUCCESS! Ms. Peña has been busy this semester! She supports 5 college courses: Public Speaking (COMM 122), Substance Abuse & Public Health (HED 203), History of Hip Hop Culture (MUS 123), US History: Chicano Perspectives (HIST 119), and Politics & Political Analysis (POSC 120). She loves witnessing the students learn and make connections in each of these courses. Ms. Peña begins each weekly module with a tour of the course's webpage, weekly assignments, and announcements. Students are then placed in small groups or independently in break-out rooms. Many of the college courses this semester have required students to demonstrate their knowledge in writing. Ms. Peña works together with the students to deconstruct the prompts into smaller, more manageable pieces. She also supports students to learn how to approach higher education including things like building relationships with professors and learning what it means when an assignment is "weighted". Emma stands out for her performance in Public Speaking. Her poise and confidence shined, and was recognized by her peers and Professor Chambers. In the Hip Hop class, Ms. Peña asked Ezekiel Ayala Beltran if he wanted her to rap an answer to him. He said "no" (with a giggle).

June 4th, 2021|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – May 30th, 2021

May 30th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin Don’t forget, this Friday, June 4, HSHMC will be holding our second pop-up COVID-19 vaccination event with Sharp HealthCare from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm for anyone 12 years or older. It’s not too late to make an appointment for yourself or a loved one. Those who already received their first vaccination at HSHMC on May 13 already have an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome, but the wait time will be quicker if you have an appointment.  You can easily make an appoint at myturn.ca.gov. Directions on how to make your appointment and use the access code for our location are available on our website at www.hshmc.org. We strongly encourage you to get vaccinations for all our HSHMC students, as we anticipate that vaccinations will be required in the future for access to campus and to internships. The last day of school is Tuesday, June 15. All classes will be asynchronous so students can be sure that they have completed and turned in all their work. At this point, if your child is carrying an “I” (Incomplete) in any course, they could be at risk of failing by the end of quarter four if they do not act immediately to clear the incomplete. Please check your child’s grades in PowerSchool to be sure they are completing their assignments on time and are not holding any incompletes. Senior Graduation for the Class of 2021 will be held on Tuesday, June 15 at 11:00 am at Liberty Station. Tickets are limited to 3 tickets per graduate. Unfortunately, we are unable to allow admission to anyone without a ticket. However, we are excited to announce that the graduation ceremony will be live-streamed directly from our website so that all family, friends, and our HSHMC community will be able to watch and celebrate our graduates. Summer school will be in person at HSHMC and begins on Monday, June 21. We are offering four sessions; each session will be three-weeks long, for three hours a day. The last day of the summer sessions ends on Thursday, July 29. More specific information on our summer session dates and times can be found on our website. As a reminder, please be sure your child has completed the summer school registration form sent to their email. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal’s Office Hours (password: HSHMC) via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Thank you – Have a good week.

June 1st, 2021|Tags: |

Staff Highlight: Eddie Franco – May 27th, 2021

EDDIE SUPPORTS STUDENTS AS THEY EXPLORE COLLEGE! Eddie is one of our school counselors and part of his role for Quarter 4 is to help students on campus with academic recovery. He also has been staying busy keeping up with the Class of 2021 as they make college and career decisions and apply for financial aid and scholarships. Eddie enjoys reaching out to parents to work on plans for improving student attendance or academic performance. One big success that both Naimo and Eddie had recently was a college info session for 11th graders and their families, where over 80 people attended on Zoom (they even "broke" Jamboard because there were too many participants trying to join)! They were able to address students’ and families’ anxieties about going to college and help them differentiate myths from the realities of college. "I really enjoy working at HSHMC and serving the diverse community, especially working with students and parents whose stories are similar to my own."

May 27th, 2021|Tags: |
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