Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

Weekly Bulletin – September 14th, 2020

Sep. 14, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin As a reminder, we are asking that every family create a parent account on PowerSchool in order to track your child's grades and attendance, and to easily access forms, surveys, and communications from us. If you have not yet made your parent account, please do so now. We mailed out your access codes and directions on how to create your account last week. In addition, your child's mentor has the access codes you need to create the account and can help you as well. Once you have created your PowerSchool account, our next request is to ask you to please log in and click on forms where you will find our Free or Reduced Lunch form that we need filled out for each family. We will be using our own form this year, instead of the District form used in the past. Thank you for completing this as soon as possible, but no later than October 1. Thank you for making sure your child is on time for each scheduled session. Attendance will be taken during the first 15 minutes of each Zoom class session and you will be notified if your child is not in attendance. If your child needs to be absent for any Zoom session, please call the school ahead of time at 619-528-9070 to report the absence. Our upper division students begin their Monday college and internship classes this week. Please make sure they check PowerSchool to be sure they are ready to log on to Canvas at their scheduled class time. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available below. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Principal's Office Hours https://hshmc.zoom.us/j/82553847733 Meeting ID: 825 5384 7733 Passcode: HSHMC We look forward to another good week together at HSHMC. Thank you Back to News & Events

September 14th, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – September 8th, 2020

Sep. 08, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin Thank you for everything you did to help us create a very special and successful first week of distance learning. It was wonderful to reconnect and engage with over 98% of our students and families. We hope to engage 100% this week! If you or your child needs any help getting connected, please call the school at 619-528-9070 so we can help you resolve any issues you may be having. Please make sure your child is on time for each scheduled session. Attendance will be taken during each Zoom class session and you will be notified if your child is not in attendance. If your child needs to be absent for any Zoom session, please call the school at 619-528-9070 to report the absence. This year, we are asking that every family create a parent account on PowerSchool in order to track your child's grades and attendance, and to easily access forms, surveys, and communications from us. If you have not yet made your parent account, we will be mailing the access codes home to you this week with directions on how to create your account. In addition, your child's mentor has the access codes you need to create the account and can help you as well. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available below. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Principal's Office Hours https://hshmc.zoom.us/j/82553847733 Meeting ID: 825 5384 7733 Passcode: HSHMC Have a great week! Back to News & Events

September 8th, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – August 30th, 2020

Aug. 30, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin If you were unable to join us for our informational webinar last week, a recording of that session is now available on our website HERE. We hope you will find it informative and that it will help you support your child during this time of distance learning. We are all in this together and your partnership is invaluable. Classes begin, August 31. Students are required to log in to their courses at their scheduled class times. As a reminder, there are no college classes or internship classes on Monday and Wednesday this week so students will be in their regular courses all week. Please make sure your child is on time for each scheduled session. Attendance will be taken during each Zoom class session and you will be notified if your child is not in attendance. If your child needs to be absent for any Zoom session, please call the school at 619-528-9070 to report the absence. If your child experiences any any technical issues, please contact our technology team at hshmctech@hshmc.org so that we can help resolve any issues immediately. We are here to help. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am each day this week (Mon-Fri). The Zoom link is available below. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Principal's Office Hours Zoom Link: Principal's Office Hours: https://hshmc.zoom.us/j/89760660397 Meeting ID: 897 6066 0397 Passcode: HSHMC2020 As a reminder, next Monday, September 7, school will be closed for Labor Day. Here's to a wonderful week and a new school year together. Remember, even though we are learning from a distance right now, we are still family. Back to News & Events

August 30th, 2020|Tags: |

HSHMC Parent Information Webinar

Aug. 18, 2020- HSHMC PARENT INFORMATION WEBINAR THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 5:30 PM Please join us via Zoom for an informational webinar with everything you need to know to support your child's success as they get ready to begin the new school year with us on Monday, August 31. Not able to attend? No worries! Here is the link to the archived webinar: August 27th Parent Webinar Back to News & Events

August 18th, 2020|Tags: |

2020-2021 HSHMC Info for Parents

Aug. 17, 2020- 2020-21 HSHMC Info for Parents Dear HSHMC Families, Welcome to the new 2020-2021 school year at HSHMC! We hope you are doing well and staying safe. In preparation for the First Day of School ONLINE on Monday, August 31, we have put together specific school supplies for each student based on the courses they will be taking. In addition, each student who has not already checked out a Chromebook from HSHMC will be provided one from HSHMC. Log in credentials and instructions will also be provided. We are asking HSHMC families to please drive by the school to pick up their supplies according to the following schedule: 9th Grade – Tuesday, August 25 – 9:00 am – 11:00 am 10th Grade – Tuesday, August 25 – 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm 11th Grade – Wednesday, August 26 – 9:00 am – 11:00 am 12th Grade – Wednesday, August 26 – 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Thursday, August 27 – 9:00 am – 11:00 am - Makeup Day (For those who cannot make it at their assigned time) If you have more than one HSHMC student, please use the schedule according to your oldest child so you only have to come by once. For example, if you have a 9th grader and an 11th grader, please use the pick up on the day scheduled for the 11thgrader. On the day of pickup, please drive into the school's driveway where you will see a tent and signs for pickup. A staff member will place the supplies in the trunk of your car to limit contact and practice social distancing. In addition, here is some important information for your review and attention: School Calendar – we hope you will find this useful to mark special school days and holidays in advance. Free & Reduced-Price Meal Application Packet – We ask that all students please fill this form out whether or not you believe that your child qualifies for free or reduced price meals. If you have more than one child attending HSHMC, please only fill out one form and include each child on that form. (Returning students: please note that a new form must be filled out each year). The Free and Reduced Price Meal Application must be completed by going HERE. Health and Wellness - You child's health and wellness are very important to us. HSHMC is committed to supporting the mental and emotional wellness of our students as these barriers can impact student success. Access to community pupil mental health services and resources is made available through our website at https://www.hshmc.org/mental-health-wellness. We look forward to welcoming all of you to HSHMC very soon. Sincerely, Dr. Sheri Johnson Principal, Operations and Communication Back to News & Events

August 17th, 2020|Tags: |

Fall Electives Options – Choose Now!

Aug. 11, 2020- FALL ELECTIVE OPTIONS - CHOOSE NOW! We are looking forward to school starting up again on Monday, August 31. We are busy working on your schedules and need to know if you would like to add an elective to your schedule. We are offering Integrated Art, PE, Spanish 1, Spanish 3, and Cooking as electives. If you are interested in adding an elective to your schedule, you must fill out the attached form NOW! Here is the link: https://forms.gle/xzPyWMX1ftv6RYyr9 Back to News & Events

August 11th, 2020|Tags: |
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