January 29th, 2024- Weekly School Bulletin (See Week’s Schedule Here)

Hello Families,
This upcoming Friday, February 2nd, will be a short day for students. Students will be released at
Keep a look out! Grades have been mailed and should be arriving home within the next few days.
We invite all new families and prospective students to join us for an informational showcase where you
can learn about our vibrant educational community, innovative programs, and supportive environment.
This Open House will be on February 5th at 5:00pm at HSHMC.
We offer Academic Recovery on Friday, 2/2/24 from 7:45-8:15 am in Room 104. If a student has a
Semester 1 incomplete, we request they attend to clear their incomplete and submit missing work.
Please email Dr. J. Smith with any concerns- jsmith@hshmc.org
As a reminder, if a student needs to leave early for any reason (doctor’s appointment, sickness, etc.) the
protocol is for parents to come to the front office, show ID, and sign their student out to leave.