Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

Quarter 1 Report Cards

Nov. 07, 2020- Quarter 1 Report Cards Dear HSHMC Families, Our first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year is now complete! It has been a successful few months at HSHMC as we have engaged together through distance learning. Your partnership with us has made this possible and we are truly grateful for your continued support of our school program. Enclosed is the report card for your child's grades for Quarter 1. If your child is holding an incomplete from Quarter 1 he or she has now been assigned to an Academic Intervention class on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Attendance is mandatory at this class until all incompletes are cleared. It is also expected that any student who holds an incomplete in any course is actively taking advantage of teachers' online office hours and resources we have put in place to support their academic efforts. Students who do not make an effort to clear their incompletes are at risk of failing the course. HSHMC is now accepting New Student Applications for next year (2021-2022) for grades 9-12! If you have a sibling of an HSHMC student who hopes to attend next year, please apply no later than February 1, 2021. If the number of applications exceeds available spaces, a lottery will determine application selection. Siblings of current HSHMC students and children of HSHMC and Sharp HealthCare employees will be given priority in the lottery. You must apply directly from our website at www.hshmc.org. On Thursday, December 10, at 5:30 pm, HSHMC is pleased to offer a one-hour virtual Parent Academy entitled "The Teenage Brain." We hope you will consider joining us for this special session as we explore why our teenagers' brains cause them to think and act the way they do, especially during this time of COVID-19 and Distance Learning. Mark your calendars now and watch for the link to join on our website. You child's health and wellness are very important to us. HSHMC is committed to supporting the mental and emotional wellness of our students as these barriers can impact student success. Access to community pupil mental health services and resources is made available through our website at www.hshmc.org. A reminder that school is closed Wednesday, November 11 for Veteran's Day. Monday, November 23 – Friday, November, 27 is Thanksgiving Vacation and there is no school during that week. We hope this will be a wonderful time for you and your family even through these challenging times as we all strive to stay healthy and safe. In addition, the last day before winter break is December 28. School will be closed between December 21 and January 1. Classes resume on January 4, 2021. Once again, thank you for your continued support and communication. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at 619-528-9070, visit our website at www.hshmc.org or join me during Principal's Office Hours every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 am (https://hshmc.zoom.us/j/82553847733 Passcode: HSHMC) Stay healthy and safe, Dr. Sheri Johnson Principal of Operations and Communication Back to News & Events [...]

November 7th, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – November 2nd, 2020

Nov. 2, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin If you have not already, please remember to change your clocks back one hour today to adjust for daylight savings time. Monday begins the first day of Quarter 2. Your child's schedule is on PowerSchool and they are expected to log in to their new courses through Canvas tomorrow. If you have any questions about your child's schedule, please reach out to me at sjohnson@hshmc.org. If your child is carrying an "I" (Incomplete) from Quarter 1, an Academic Intervention class has been added to their schedule in addition to their new Quarter 2 classes. Attendance is mandatory at this class until all incompletes are cleared. It is also expected that any student who holds an incomplete in any course is actively taking advantage of teachers' online office hours and resources we have put in place to support their academic efforts. Students who do not make an effort to clear their incompletes are at risk of failing the course. Senior pictures are being taken this week on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Each senior has been given a specific time slot and must arrive on time as assigned. Seniors must have a mask on, temperatures will be taken, and all social distance protocols will be followed. Please see our website for a link to the schedule and order form to purchase pictures. This Tuesday, November 3, in honor of election day, HSHMC will be observing "A Day of Civic Engagement." We are very excited about this important and historic day. Rather than attending their regular classes on Tuesday, students will be invited to engage in a series of Zoom sessions related to the history of voting and discussions on various current propositions on the 2020 ballot. The schedule for the sessions and the Zoom links will be made available to students in advance of our very special day. It is open enrollment time at HSHMC. We are now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year for grades 9-12. This open enrollment period ends February 1, 2021. Siblings of current HSHMC students should submit their applications NOW! Please go to our website at www.hshmc.org to apply directly online. And, if you know other families interested in applying, we appreciate you letting them know as well. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a good week. Thank you! Back to News & Events

November 2nd, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – October 26th, 2020

Oct. 26, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin It's HSHMC Spirit week this week! Each day will have a spirited theme. We are excited to celebrate with our students and see what they come up with to join in the virtual fun. Monday – Proud to be a Surgeon Day (Wear Surgeon Gear, Facemasks, Scrubs) Tuesday – Tacky Tourist Tuesday (Hawaiian Shirts, Nerd Attire, Mismatch) Wednesday – Wacky Hat Wednesday (Baseball Caps, Beanies, Fedoras, Bucket Hats, etc) Thursday – Throwback Thursday (Roaring 20's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's 90's, early 2000's) Friday – Freaky Friday (Wear Halloween Makeup, Masks, Costumes, etc) Our first quarter ends this Friday, October 30.At this point, if your child is carrying an "I" (Incomplete) in any course, they could be at risk of failing the quarter. Please check your child's grades in PowerSchool to be sure they are completing their assignments on time and have a plan to finish with a passing grade by Friday. If you have not already made a parent account in PowerSchool and need help, please contact the school at 619-528-9070. By now you should have received a letter in the mail from our CEO with important information about HSHMC's plans to remain in distance learning for quarter 2. If you did not receive the letter, a copy is posted on our website. If your child is interested in taking an elective for quarter 2, please be sure they have filled out the request form that was emailed to them last week. If you need the link to the form, it can be found on our website as part of this bulletin. https://forms.gle/MaiJsNh2bMDZnfRu9 We will be handing out supplies for quarter 2 classes this Thursday and Friday from 8:30 am to 10:00 am outside at HSHMC (with social distance measures in place). You can pick up on either day, whatever is best for you and your family. If your child has supplies that are required for their quarter 2 classes, you will receive a call and your child will be sent an email. If you do not receive a notification from us, that just means that your child already has everything they need for their classes and there is no need to come by the school at this time. Next week, on Tuesday, November 3, in honor of election day, HSHMC will be observing "A Day of Civic Engagement." We are very excited about this important and historic day. Rather than attending their regular classes next Tuesday, students will be invited to engage in a series of Zoom sessions related to the history of voting and discussions on various current propositions on the 2020 ballot. The schedule for the sessions and the Zoom links will be made available to students in advance of our very special day. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I [...]

October 26th, 2020|Tags: |

Update from HSHMC

Oct. 23, 2020- Update from HSHMC Dear HSHMC families and friends, We can't always get what we want... we want to get back to our campus. We want to physically reunite our students, staff and families. We know every one of you wants this as well. We miss each other in so many ways. We want to return to a safe campus with reasonable confidence that we will not have to close our doors soon again. We, like many of you, watch the news to see the rise and fall in the spread of COVID 19. We see that areas of the country, including ours, show weeks of positive signs of COVID 19 containment, followed by a resurgence of the disease. We see restaurants, businesses, and even schools, opening and then being forced to close, causing untold disappointment and disruption. And we see pressure and argument from communities to reopen them again despite the fact that disease surges continue. We see people both taking precautions, such as social distancing and mask wearing, to prevent the spread; and, we see others making decisions not to do so. Most sadly, we each know people and families who have fallen ill to this terrible disease. And we know that each of us have faced major challenges adjusting our lifestyles, our jobs, our financial challenges and our learning. Let me repeat, we want to return to a safe campus with reasonable confidence that we will not have to close our doors again. But we cannot rely on short-term positive trends in disease outbreaks, or the heavy pressure of our desires to reopen campus, or the decisions of other schools, to rush to a decision to do so. With the support of our Board of Directors, administrators, staff, and our parent advisory committee, we have committed to make any future decision to reopen campus based on a level of confidence that the surges in new outbreaks are behind us. We await the impact of effective vaccines and treatments. And when that occurs our reopening plans will be well thought out, well communicated and well organized. With current surge conditions, changes in weather and upcoming holidays that may result in families' and friends' increased contact risks, we do expect our campus to remain closed for at least the remainder of the semester. We are sharing this information to help you plan accordingly and to give you our best thinking. We promise you that we reexamine our options daily based on our commitment to consider safety first and when the time appears right to reconsider opening we will do so with readied excitement. We can't always get what we want, but… together let us commit to try to give each other what we need. We have learned so much in the last 6 months about offering a quality education online. Our teachers are better supported and equipped. Our new attendance and reengagement teams are helping students who struggle to attend and to complete work through contacts, supports, safe [...]

October 23rd, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – October 19th, 2020

Oct. 19, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin This Tuesday, October 20 at 5:30 pm is our virtual Parent Advisory Group meeting. We hope to increase our membership each year and invite you to join this wonderful group of parents partnering with us to make HSHMC the best school in the universe. Our Parent Advisory Group helps to plan programs and activities that support our HSHMC students and families. If you would like to attend, please join us using the link below. Tuesday, October 20 at 5:30 pm https://hshmc.zoom.us/j/86915224484 Meeting ID: 869 1522 4484 Passcode: Parents Also, this Thursday, October 22 at 5:30 pm is our Virtual Parent Advisory College Knowledge Night. All are welcome, however this session will be geared towards our current 12th grade students and their parents as we focus on the fall college application process and financial aid. The link for the session is below. We will hold a second College Knowledge Night in the Spring for families of our juniors. Virtual Parent Advisory College Knowledge Night Thursday, October 22 at 5:30 pm https://hshmc.zoom.us/j/87253771571 Meeting ID: 872 5377 1571 Passcode: College Our first quarter ends in two weeks on October 30. At this point, if your child is carrying an "I" (Incomplete) in any course, they could be at risk of failing by the end of the quarter if they do not act now to clear the incomplete. Please check your child's grades in PowerSchool to be sure they are completing their assignments on time and are not holding any incompletes. If you have not already made a parent account in PowerSchool and need help, please contact the school at 619-528-9070. As we head towards the end of the quarter, we are excited to announce that HSHMC Spirit week is coming next week! Each day will have a spirited theme. We are excited to celebrate with our students and see what they come up with to join in the virtual fun. So that your children have time to be creative and plan, we wanted to share the themes now: Monday – Proud to be a Surgeon Day (Wear Surgeon Gear, Facemasks, Scrubs) Tuesday – Tacky Tourist Tuesday (Hawaiian Shirts, Nerd Attire, Mismatch) Wednesday – Wacky Hat Wednesday (Baseball Caps, Beanies, Fedoras, Bucket Hats, etc) Thursday – Throwback Thursday (Roaring 20's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's 90's, early 2000's) Friday – Freaky Friday (Wear Halloween Makeup, Masks, Costumes, etc) Another reminder - if you have not already submitted the Free or Reduced Lunch Application that is located under "Forms" on your PowerSchool account, please do so now. It is important that we have an application on file for every student, even if you don't think your child qualifies. If you need help filling out the form, please call the school at 619-528-9070 and we can help you fill out the form. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I [...]

October 19th, 2020|Tags: |
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