Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

Enrollment Applications

Oct. 14, 2020- Enrollment Applications Applications will be accepted for the 2021-2022 school year beginning November 2. The open enrollment period is November 2, 2020 through February 2, 2021. If the number of application exceeds available spaces, a lottery will determine application selection. Siblings of current students and children of sharp employees will be given priority in a lottery. Students will be notified of acceptance beginning in February, 2021. Students who are not accepted for the coming school year will be placed on a waiting list and notified as soon as space becomes available. In addition to submitting an application, interested families must attend a "new student orientation" prior to February 2, 2021. If you have applied or will be applying, please plan to attend an orientation at HSHMC, Inc. On one of the following dates: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2020 – 5:30 PM* THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 – 5:30 PM* THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 – 5:30 PM* TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2021 – 5:30 PM* *Due to covid-19 all of the 2021-2022 orientations will be virtual unless indicated otherwise. Back to News & Events

October 14th, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – October 12th, 2020

Oct. 12, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin We have had several calls asking if school is open tomorrow, as it is Columbus day. Yes, HSHMC is open tomorrow and all classes are in session as usual. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 22 at 5:30 pm for our Virtual Parent Advisory College Knowledge Night. All are welcome, however this session will be geared towards our current 12th grade students and their parents as we focus on the fall college application process and financial aid. The link for the session will be located on our website. We will hold a second College Knowledge Night in the Spring for families of our juniors. If you have not done so already, please submit the Free or Reduced Lunch Application that is located under "Forms" on your PowerSchool account. It is important that we have an application on file for every student, even if you don't think your child qualifies. If you need help filling out the form, please call the school at 619-528-9070 and we can help you fill out the form. If your children need food, a nutritious breakfast and lunch is available for pickup Monday-Friday 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm from our designated pick up location at Wilson Middle School (3838 Orange Ave, 92105), or any of the 82 meal pick-up locations throughout the district. A link to the other locations is available on our website (https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/covid19/resources/food-services). You child's health and wellness are very important to us. HSHMC is committed to supporting the mental and emotional wellness of our students as these barriers can impact student success. Access to community pupil mental health services and resources is made available through our website at www.hshmc.org. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a good week. Thank you Back to News & Events

October 12th, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – October 5th, 2020

Oct. 5, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin We are now half-way through our first quarter (which ends on October 30).At this point, if your child is carrying an "I" (Incomplete) in any course, they could be at risk of failing by the end of the quarter if they do not act now to clear the incomplete. Please check your child's grades in PowerSchool to be sure they are completing their assignments on time and are not holding any incompletes. If you have not already made a parent account in PowerSchool and need help, please contact the school at 619-528-9070. All our teachers offer office hours to help support your child outside of the regular class time. If needed, please be sure your child is taking advantage of this extra opportunity to ensure that they are successful.In addition, your child's mentor is a great resource for additional support for both you and your child. If you have not done so already, please submit the Free or Reduced Lunch Application that is located under "Forms" on your PowerSchool account. It is important that we have an application on file for every student, even if you don't think your child qualifies. If you need any help, please call the school at 619-528-9070 and we can help you fill out the form. As a reminder, you can keep you and your family healthy this year by getting your flu shot now – it's the #1 way to prevent the flu! Please contact your healthcare provider to receive the vaccine, or visit our website for a link (www.sdiz.org) to Public Health Centers and other locations throughout the County that are offering flu vaccines. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available on our website HERE. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Back to News & Events

October 5th, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – September 28th, 2020

Sep. 28, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin If you have not done so already, please submit the Free or Reduced Lunch form that is located under "Forms" on your PowerSchool account. If you have not yet made your parent account or filled out the Free or Reduced Lunch Form, please complete both by October 1. If you need any help, please call the school at 619-528-9070 and we will be happy to assist you. One of our many highlights from last week was the frog dissection that took place in our Anatomy and Physiology classes. Thank you to those who drove by school to pick up the dissection kits for your child. You really helped the success of this lab experience as we continue with our distance learning program. We are already almost half-way through our first quarter (which ends on October 30).At this point, if your child is carrying an "I" (Incomplete) in any course, they could be at risk of failing by the end of the quarter if they do not act now to clear the incomplete. Please check your child's grades in PowerSchool to be sure they are completing their assignments on time and are not holding any incompletes. Again, If you have not already made a parent account in PowerSchool and need help, please contact the school at 619-528-9070. As a reminder, you can keep you and your family healthy this year by getting your flu shot now – it's the #1 way to prevent the flu! Please contact your healthcare provider to receive the vaccine, or visit our website for a link (www.sdiz.org) to Public Health Centers and other locations throughout the County that are offering flu vaccines. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available HERE. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a good week. Thank you Back to News & Events

September 28th, 2020|Tags: |

2020-21 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Sep. 21, 2020- Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (2020-21) Our Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan is available at the link below. https://www.hshmc.org/documents/lcp-2020-2021.pdf Comments and suggestions can be submitted directly to Dr. Johnson via email at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Back to News & Events

September 21st, 2020|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – September 20th, 2020

Sep. 20, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin As a reminder, we are asking that every family create a parent account on PowerSchool in order to track your child's grades and attendance, and to easily access forms, surveys, and communications from us. The first form required from each family is our Free or Reduced Lunch form that is located under "Forms" on your PowerSchool account. If you have not yet made your parent account or filled out the Free or Reduced Lunch Form, complete both by October 1. If you need any help, please call the school at 619-528-9070 and we will be happy to assist you. As we all continue to distance learning as a means to keep everyone healthy and safe from COVID-19, we want to remind you that every year, 200,000 Americans are hospitalized due to complications from the flu. The CDC recommends that people 6 months and older get vaccinated against the flu. You can keep you and your family healthy this year by getting your flu shot now – it's the #1 way to prevent the flu! Please contact your healthcare provider to receive the vaccine, or visit our website for a link (www.sdiz.org) to Public Health Centers and other locations throughout the County that are offering flu vaccines. We are looking forward to another good week together. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal's Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. Principal's Office Hours https://hshmc.zoom.us/j/82553847733 Meeting ID: 825 5384 7733 Passcode: HSHMC I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Thank you. Back to News & Events

September 20th, 2020|Tags: |
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