Nov. 29, 2020- Weekly School Bulletin

We hope that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We look forward to welcoming back all our students to HSHMC tomorrow. Remember, if you have any technology issues, you can now get quick access to technology support by calling the main school number at 619-528-9070 and choosing option 3.

Beginning this year, each HSHMC student is required to complete an Alternative Income Form (similar to the lunch application). By completing this form and turning it in as soon as possible, you are taking part in an important process that that helps us secure critical funding so we can continue to meet the needs of all our students and families. If you are required to fill out this form and we have not already received it, we will be sending you a link to your email so you can complete it easily. The link can also be found on our website as part of this bulletin.

This Thursday, December 3 at 5:30 pm is a virtual New Student Orientation (password: WELCOME) for new families applying for 9th through 12th grade for the 2021-2022 school year. If you know other families interested in applying to HSHMC, we appreciate you letting them know about this informative orientation. The link for the orientation can be found on our website. Please also note that our open enrollment application period ends February 1. If you have not already submitted an application for a sibling of a current HSHMC student, please do so before the February 1 deadline.

Next Thursday, December 10, at 5:30 pm, HSHMC is pleased to offer a one-hour virtual Parent Academy entitled “The Teenage Brain.” (password: Brain) We hope you will consider joining us for this special session as we explore why our teenagers’ brains cause them to think and act the way they do, especially during this time of COVID-19 and Distance Learning. Mark your calendars now and join us using the link posted on our website.

If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal’s Office Hours via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday this week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I can also be reached by email anytime at

Stay well and have a good week – Thank you