Upcoming News & Events2021-02-18T22:30:18+00:00

Upcoming News & Events

Here’s the latest news, updates, school board meetings and events happening at HSHMC.

Staff Highlight: Naimo Ahmed – April 29th, 2021

NAIMO PROVIDES STUDENTS WITH A WEALTH OF SUPPORT! Naimo is one of our amazing school counselors! She addresses students' needs for educational, social/emotional, and developmental support while tailoring her counseling practices to effectively meet their needs. Additionally, Naimo supports students in need of academic recovery and facilitates several college tutoring labs to assist and encourage students in their college classes. When she begins her AR class, Naimo starts with a social-emotional check-in. As students continue working through their incompletes at their own pace, she is there to celebrate their every accomplishment, track their progress, and guide them in their studies. Naimo also co- teaches a College and Career Explorations class, which is another opportunity to build connections with students and equip them with the knowledge and skillsets to succeed in their high school career at HSHMC and beyond. "I am proud of all the student and family connections that I have. For the Somali cultural community, I think it's refreshing to have someone that speaks their language and strives to support and cultivate their children in their education at HSHMC."

April 29th, 2021|Tags: |

Weekly Bulletin – April 25th, 2021

April 25th, 2021- Weekly School Bulletin By now, you should have received your child’s Quarter 3 grade report. You can also access your child’s grades using the PowerSchool parent portal, which is available 24/7 from our website at www.hshmc.org. If you have not set up an account and need help to do so, please call the school and we will gladly help you. If your child has an incomplete in a course, they have been assigned to an Academic Intervention class at 10:00 am. This course is mandatory and shows up on their PowerSchool class schedule. It is also expected that any student who holds an incomplete in any course is actively taking advantage of teachers' online office hours and resources we have put in place to support their academic efforts.  Students who do not make an effort to clear their incompletes are at risk of failing the course. Governor Newsom has announced that June 15, California will fully open its economy if two criteria are met: If vaccine supply is sufficient for Californians 16 years and older who wish to be inoculated; and, if hospitalization rates are stable and low. Therefore, if these conditions are met, HSHMC plans to offer a full summer school program. We will continue to plan, pay attention to local, state and national conditions and recommendations and share our best available information with you. If you have questions, or just want to touch base, I am holding Principal’s Office Hours (password: HSHMC) via Zoom at 9:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. The Zoom link is available on our website. I can also be reached by email anytime at sjohnson@hshmc.org. Have a good and safe week. Thank you.

April 26th, 2021|Tags: |

Staff Highlight: Caleigh Fischmann – April 22nd, 2021

CALEIGH OPENS UP OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR STUDENTS! Caleigh is settling into her role as the Transition Counselor for 9th and 10th grade students and absolutely loving it! She spends a lot of her time meeting with students one-on-one exploring their strengths, interests, and goals for life after HSHMC, as well as making sure that they have the tools and resources to make it all happen. She feels immense privilege getting to witness the students’ exploration and personal growth as they work to develop their plan for success. She has also had a chance to support in the College and Career Exploration class where a recent stand out was Malachi telling her that SchoolLinks, a future career and education exploration tool used often in class, is “actually 10/10 cool!” Recently, Caleigh has been working with Ms. Rios to develop new student job opportunities through the We Can Work grant, which provides students with opportunities to gain skills and meaningful paid work experiences. A few WCW wins from this week: Erika continues to work hard as a TA and an office assistant at a specialized therapy clinic in Kensington, and Tierra has finished applying to the City of San Diego’s Mentorship Program, where she plans to work virtually assisting with the Public Library’s Youth Recreation Program.

April 22nd, 2021|Tags: |

Middle College Highlights – HED 202

HED 202- Health Professions and Organizations Every week the students in HED 202 learn about the many occupations and organizations that exist in the healthcare industry.  Take a look at some of the guest speakers and listen to the questions students ask and the conversations with the speaker.

April 20th, 2021|Tags: |

Middle College Deadlines – Saturday, May 1st

May 1st, 2021- College Decision Day Deadline Students who have been accepted to a 4-year college or university must commit to attending their school of choice and pay any deposit required by this deadline. To find out more, students should check their college/university student portal for due dates, documents required (e.g. transcripts- both high school and Cuyamaca), and fees due.

April 20th, 2021|Tags: |

Middle College Updates – Wednesday, April 22nd

April 22nd, 2021- College Knowledge Series College Knowledge Series - “Now That You Have Been Accepted” An informational session to discuss the steps to take once you have been accepted to a 4-year college or university.  Students who received notification of admission and are planning to attend a 4-year college are encouraged to attend to learn more about upcoming deadlines, ordering transcripts, and other important information.  A link for the Zoom meeting has been sent to students.

April 20th, 2021|Tags: |
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